Tuesday, June 22, 2010


...wat d heck kiter memarah and at d end....owke...my mistake...malu btol...welll...sebab die nk cari solution r kekonon...but..solution cmner?...u have better way to find d solution instead of memarah cm org giler or nk herdik memaki org...anger is not a powerful solution...

...telling others kekurangan diri and pointing others advantage dgn harapan nk menagih simpati...menang undi...hehe~eeeuuu...bad way...ko x plajar PR ke?...we do need to be humble but not stupidoooo...well..

...i felt pity of u dear...don't you ever do the same things...hence...u memalukn .diri u sendiri...dat wat i feel...i do not know u...because u alwayys feel u r rite all d time...and u always thing...i'm d best...keyakinan tampa asas mmg sgt hodoh....

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